As the CEO/COO, what is the wireless device for in your organization?
Connect to a clear view of how mobile smart devices are impacting your business
How are your people using their mobile smart devices to enhance profitability and sales / service delivery to customers?
Connect an unparalleled view of how mobile smart devices contribute to business goals and objectives
As the CFO/CIO, are you concerned about rising wireless spend in your business?
Connect to an unique insight of what is driving mobile costs in your business
Do you know why wireless spend targets are continually exceeded?
Connect to clarity and insight to inform new mobile strategies and policies
As the CEO/CFO/CIO, do you have high business wireless bills? Do you want know why?
Connect to clear insight about mobile use that contributes to high mobile bills
How can you pay for legitimate business use only?
Connect to a clear view of mobile business use with an audit trail for tax compliance
Are you Self-Employed/Contractor/Gig Economy Worker or an employee that needs to submit wireless expenses?
Connect to an effortless expense claim process suitable for multiple projects or clients
How can you remain on the right side of Tax authorities, while claiming wireless expenses?
Connect to a new way of mitigating tax risks, with fully itemized wireless business expenses
We believe in a world where mobile smart devices (smartphones, phablets, tablets, etc.) are critical to winning new business, enhancing existing customer relationships, and generating profits
mobilityView provides real-time mobile smart data and analytics directly from mobile smart devices, which leverages the power of the cloud, requiring no wireless operator integration
The MCM (Mobile Cost Management) Platform enables businesses to gain insight, understand mobile spend, reduce mobile costs and simplify mobile expenses, to ensure tax compliance, while uniquely putting end users in control of their own privacy changing the privacy paradigm
mobilityView connects you to your business in a way not previously thought possible