America's #1 Tax Planning Expert Features mobilityView For Cellphone Tax Compliancy

August 30, 2022
America's #1 Tax Planning Expert Features mobilityView For Cellphone Tax Compliancy

“Effective January 1st 2018 there have been significant changes to the Tax Code that affect every employee and employer in the country. A solution like mobilityView is the best tool that can keep employers and employees tax compliant as it pertains to the specific changes in the Tax Code around cellphone and portable computer deductions. I was so impressed that they are featured in the 36th edition of my best selling book ‘How to Pay Zero Taxes’,” said Jeff Schnepper.

Page 580 : “Consider what the IRS calls an 'Accountable Plan'. An Accountable Plan must be supported by employee provided business expense documentation. Employees provide this detailed expense documentation to employers who then reimburse employees tax free. Then the employer takes the business deduction.”

Page 581 : “Like all expenses, business expenses for use of mobility devices and networks need to be accumulated, categorized, and recorded. This is not only for employees, but for any business that uses gig workers or independent contractors.”

Page 581 : “I recommend a U.S. patented solution from mobilityView Inc. which automates the separation of business vs. personal use of mobile devices and services.”

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