Press Releases

February 07, 2018
Canadian Trade Commission selects mobilityView to Join Its Accelerator Program

Last week, the Canadian Trade Commissioners Service formally selected mobilityView for its very successful Canadian Technology Accelerators program. This program is designed to help high potential Canadian Start-ups connect with international funding and expertise. More specifically, the program zeros in on the funding potential and the “hothouse” business generator that is California’s Silicon Valley. “mobilityView has been very successful at finding Canadian investors that see the potential of our mobile big data cloud solutions. But for sheer size and availability of investors that understand both the risks and opportunities of technology start-ups, you can’t beat Silicon Valley,” remarks Thom Damstra, CEO of mobilityView.

The Canadian Trade Commissioner’s Service recognized the global need for mobile data solutions. With US Patents and Patents Pending in 89 countries, mobilityView has the world’s first Over-The-Top (OTT) mobile data solution that solves for every byte of data usage, as well as SMS and voice. “We put at customer’s fingertips more information about their mobile devices than even their Telecom Operators can provide them with. We are also the first solution that can determine business from personal across all usage types and regardless of whether it is Wi-Fi or on an Operator’s wireless network. In fact, we work on every Telecom Operator’s network in the world – we are completely Operator agnostic,” says Damstra.

mobilityView is developing a range of mobile big data products, with the first to market being MCM (Mobile Cost Management) Platform. The MCM Platform is a business solution with some big wins for customers:

  • Reduce mobile costs by as much as 70%
  • Provide greater usage detail and analysis than ever before – ever second, every SMS, and every byte of data
  • No more bill shocks – real time data and analytics
  • Reduce the costs of managing mobile device fleets, both capital and manpower
  • Future proof a company against tax compliancy

The MCM Platform by mobilityView is a cloud service for mobile smart device fleets, for businesses of any size, to only pay for business usage of mobile assets. It provides a complete view of all mobile costs, previously not thought possible, across the entire business. No longer in the dark, guessing at what is happening, a business can now move forward in a proactive and positive way, making informed decisions. Employers can sleep at night knowing that their costs are contained; and employees can experience mobile democracy – they are freed up to do whatever they want on their mobile device: Play video games, watch movies; engage in social media and take advantage of the fantastic network that telecom operators provide.

“The MCM Platform provides clear unequivocal and immediate return on investment for businesses of any size”, said Thom Damstra, CEO of mobilityView. “The flexibility of the platform opens up the tantalizing possibilities to simultaneously reduce cost; provide new flexi benefits; and increase the usage of mobility within an organization. Until now these three simultaneous benefits have been impossible to deliver. mobilityView makes the impossible possible.”

About the Canadian Trade Commissioners Service

Part of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada, the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) is a network of more than 1000 trade professionals working in Canadian embassies, high commissions, and consulates located in 150 cities around the world and with offices across Canada. The Trade Commissioner Services helps companies that are looking to export, invest abroad, attract investment abroad or develop innovation and R&D partnerships. They provide advice on marketing strategies and up to date market and sector information to help smooth a Canadian company's path to doing business abroad.

About mobilityView

MOBILITYVIEW Inc. mobilityView is a global pioneer of mobile cost management (MCM) solutions for all business sectors and government to pay only for business use of mobile assets. Headquartered in Toronto, Canada. mobilityView was incorporated in 2014 by seasoned industry professionals from the wireless and IT sectors, with a wealth of experience in building enterprise- grade systems. With presence in the Europe (UK), Caribbean, South America, and Asia Pacific, mobilityView has assembled an impressive Board of Directors, very knowledgeable of enterprise mobility and focused on growth and good governance.

The core ethos of the founders, at mobilityView Inc., is to challenge yourself to believe that things can be different and the impossible is possible. This ethos has propelled mobilityView Inc. onto the global stage and attracted praise from business customers of all sizes, for uniquely addressing their most pressing problem of rising mobile costs, and investment from leading figures in the wireless and banking sectors.
