December 06, 2021
Owen Sagness Former VP & GM Of Microsoft Canada’s Consumer & Online Business Joins mobilityView Advisory Board
Toronto, November 11th 2021 – mobilityView Inc. is pleased to announce that Owen Sagness has joined its Advisory Board.
“Owen has been a sounding board for ideas and approaches over the last 36 months. Starting earlier this year he increased his involvement quite substantially with mobilityView, and we are pleased to be announcing today his decision to join our Advisory Board,” said Thom Damstra CEO of mobilityView.
“Owen’s knowledge of the consumer, retail and online space will drive considerable value to mobilityView; as we begin our journey to offer consumer/retail offerings. He has been providing me and other members of the mobilityView team with considerable feedback on how to drive a retail strategy. You will be hearing more about our activities in the retail/consumer & online channels in the coming weeks.”
"MobilityView’s progress in the last few months has been remarkable and I’ve made a decision to join as an advisor due to the growth trajectory I am seeing. I will be working with Thom and his team to drive scale, secure channel partners, and help with the next round of financing. The opportunity that the Work From Home trend and the Gig Economy trend presents to the company is remarkable. Given global legislative and tax developments, mobilityView has an opportunity to benefit Work From Home and the Gig Economy workers around the world.”
mobilityView is the only company in the world to have a Work From Home Reimbursement solution for Smartphone Costs (Plan and Hardware) that address major tax changes and labour law changes that have come into affect in 24 US states, multiple Eurozone countries, and on 3 continents.
In the USA 24 US states representing 170 million Americans now require Work From Home Reimbursement for Smartphone Costs :
The IRS pre-pandemic was focused on the need to separate business from personal usage & multiple cases have come up in tax courts denying the claim of personal usage :
mobilityView’s unique expertise and patented capabilities is why Forbes featured mobilityView due to changes in the tax code in the USA and Canada on cellphones :
Multiple Eurozone countries have passed new mandatory Work From Home Reimbursement labour law changes :
The UK recently updated the tax code mandating the splitting of personal vs. business usage and cost for WFH tax consequences :
In Canada the Canadian tax authorities have updated the tax code on cellphones no less than 3 times for employers, employees, and HST (Sales Taxes) : &
Canada (CRA) has increased enforcement on deductions & substantiation requirements & the enforcement of only the documented and substantiated business usage of a smartphone may be claimed for Work From Home tax deductions :
These tax code changes have accelerated due to the pandemic but were already in focus on a coordinated basis by all OECD & G-20 countries :
Learn More On The mobilityView Inc. Value Proposition :
75% of employees never want to go back to an office Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm :
3.5 Days Per Week Working From Home Is What People Want :
90% of employees surveyed feel that they should be reimbursed for the business use of their personal IT assets :
59% Of Employees Surveyed Neither Get Phone Nor Reimbursement :
US Going After Gig Workers :
Canada Going After Gig Workers :
Australia Going After Gig Workers :
30 Second Explainer Videos Of What We Do :
Employee reimbursement :
Employer cost savings :
Tax Deduction For US Gig Workers :
Tax Deduction For Canadian Gig Workers :
Tax Deduction For Australian Gig Workers :
Employee & Gig Worker tax deduction :
Smartphone global tax trends :
Patents issued on 4 continents representing over 1 billion people under patent coverage including 2 US issued patents :