Global Telecom Executive Shakeup Continues Now With Orange Group

December 22, 2022
Global Telecom Executive Shakeup Continues Now With Orange Group

For those that are listening closely a very strong signal is being sent in the global Telecom's Industry.... All is not well.

If you have been in the industry for as long as the executives at mobilityView, you will remember what happened to the industry between 1998 and the 2nd quarter of 2001.

The consequences of those activities are now being felt and its turning out to be quite unpleasant.

See our commentary on what has happened at Verizon and Vodafone and their executives & why :

In a declining interest rate environment it is easy to financially engineer results and buy growth...

What happens if the tables turn and there is no more growth (Smartphone adoption has peaked in every OECD country and is now limited to immigration and population aging in less those that unfortunately pass away) and interest rates start to go through the roof.

You start taking the bad advice from the strategy consultants of selling "non-core assets".... Remember when these same strategy consultants said to the automotive industry "sell your parts plants ... manufacturing parts and supplying them Just In Time is not part of your core competencies."

"Non-Core Assets" = Towers

Why sell off the crown jewels? ... Unsustainable debt levels in an environment of rising interest rates.

We correctly reported (and way ahead of the experts) as to the unsustainable pricing of 5G by Telco over 2 years ago.

The Deputy Chief Executive Officer in charge of Finance, Performance and Development at Orange Group is not just departing, but is leaving the industry.

You will continue to see double digit price increases by Telco for High Speed Internet and Wireless services. Expect to see no less than 2 major price hikes in 2023.

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  2. 75% More cost effective than a Company provided phone
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  5. Keeps employees reimbursed & happy in a tax efficient lower cost way than a stipend or company provided phone
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Employer WFH / BYOD Cost Savings :

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Tax Deduction Changes For US Gig Workers :
Tax Deduction Changes For Canadian Gig Workers :
Tax Deduction Changes For Australian Gig Workers :

Gig Worker & Employee Tax Deduction/Reimbursement For Previous Years :
Canadian Employee Tax Deduction Up To $1,000 :

Non-Canadian Employee & Gig Worker tax deduction :

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Smartphone global tax trends :
