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February 02, 2019
Why do so many believe profitable 5G will come from private enterprises rather than consumer services?

The Great Telco Debate brings together some of the world’s leading thinkers and players in the telecoms ecosystem to debate the challenges and opportunities facing the telcos, suppliers, regulators and other interested parties. We asked speakers at the event why so many in our industry think that profitable 5G will come from private enterprise networks rather than consumer services?

There’s a big debate in the industry today about where the profit will come from for 5G. As well as there being an opportunity for a premium consumer offer based on the extra capabilities of 5G, it is the enterprise and B2B space that looks like generating the most new opportunities for 5G. But why and how? Exactly how will 5G open up these opportunities?

Enterprise Data Will Drive 5G Data Consumption Not Consumer Services

We predicted this many months ago; as we believe that average legitimate business usage is at most 500mb per employee in an environment where on average 4+ gb is being used in the Western World.

Due to the low relative number (500mb) we expect that the percentage growth rate will grow faster than the 10x growth rate Ericsson is forecasting over the next 5 years.

Why do so many believe profitable 5G will come from private enterprises rather than consumer services?
